30+ Amazing Conversation Starters to Share With Your Spouse

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30+ Amazing Conversation Starters to Share Your Spouse

Sometimes, I just don’t have the energy to come up with deep and meaningful conversations with my husband. I’d love to be able to just pick up a conversation and enjoy each other, but more often than not, we’re juggling our toddler, work responsibilities, another sickness, or just the everyday complexities of life. 

So when we do have one on one time to spend together, I want to make it count. I’ve gathered this list of conversation starters to help with those times when we feel like we’re in a rut. 

When to Use Conversation Starters

My favorite time is when we’re in the car together. Our son can usually be entertained (at least for a while) with music or his car toys. I’m fact, I have a whole post on keeping your kiddo entertained on long drives. This gives my husband and I the chance to have what I call ‘front seat’ conversations. 

You can also squeeze in meaningful conversations on date nights, after your child’s bedtime, or during extra curricular activities! We try to not be on our phone while our son does gymnastics because we get so little alone time together. 

How Deep Do I Need to Get?

The beauty of these questions is that you can make it as deep and complex as you want (or not!). These questions give you the opportunity to get to know your spouse in a different way. He might answer a question totally differently from how you thought he would. You might answer differently than you would have five years ago. 

There’s a certain beauty to rediscovering your partner after a long time together! Some of these questions are deeper than others because it is also important to have fun with your spouse. 

Conversation Starters

What language would you love to learn? Why? Do you love the way it sounds or do you have a cultural connection?

How do you feel best supported in hard times?

What does “alone time” look like for you?

What lessons from your childhood have most impacted your worldview?

If we could live in another country for a year (no strings attached), where would we go?

What do you love most about our relationship? What do you wish to work on?

What’s a favorite memory you have of us together?

What do you think everyone in the family will be doing 10 years from now (you, me, kids)?

If you were to return to school, what would you study?

What do you love most about yourself? About me? About each of our children?

What accomplishments are you most proud of?

How do you track your work goals and accomplishments? This one is great for families with one partner working in the home, it highlights things you may not have noticed about your work as a stay at home mom!

What do you wish people better understood about you?

Where do you need support that you’re not getting?

What’s one act of kindness you experienced today?

If you had a day to yourself, what would it look like, where would you go, and what would you do?

If you woke up one morning and all your problems were solved, how would you go about your day?

What is something you have accomplished as an adult that your younger self would be proud of?

Is there a place in the world that you feel most represents who you are?

What was your first big purchase as an adult?

What is one habit you want to break and one habit you want to start?

Where is one place you’d love to travel to again? Why?

What is one thing you would tell your eighteen year old self if you could go back in time? What is one thing you think your younger self would say to you?

If your pet could talk, what would their voice sound like? What would they say about you?

What are you currently most grateful for and why?

Where do you feel most centered and happy?

What is your favorite memory of your parents? Tell me about it. 

What’s your favorite comfort food? Why?

What do you wear when you’re feeling your very best, and why?

What about your current life would surprise your younger self to learn?

If you could travel back to any time in history, when would you go and why?

31 meaningful conversation starters for couples
30+ great conversation starters for married couples
30+ amazing conversation starters for couples

These questions are thought provoking and most lead to other interesting questions! If you had to pick a favorite, which would it be and why? Be sure to save this post so you can find it later!

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  1. This is so neat! Sometimes it can be hard to think about deep questions to ask my husband because I feel like we know everything about each other. And then, he always surprises me with a little bit here or there. These questions look fun and I will have to ask him some of these on our next road trip!

  2. These convo starters are such a great idea! It’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine and forget to have deep conversations with our spouse. I love how these prompts encourage connection and bring back that sense of curiosity about each other. Definitely bookmarking this for our next date night.

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