How to Create an Effective Stay at Home Mom Morning Routine
Stay at Home Mom Morning Routine
Hi Friend!
Does your day seem to quickly go downhill after the first little snafu? If you have ever felt overwhelmed or frustrated with the direction of your day as a stay at home mom, you’re not alone!
Since becoming a mom, I have learned the importance of a good morning routine. It sets the tone for the rest of the day and gives me an opportunity to get in a good headspace for the day. Once I figured out what works best for me, it’s been smooth(er) sailing! I find myself being more patient, less flustered, and all around happier!
Today I am going to share with you my easy stay at home mom morning routine. This is a simple way to ease into the day without getting overwhelmed. So let’s get to it!
I would love to be one of those women that gets up hours before her children and accomplishes all of the things. But if I’m being real with myself, I love my sleep, I never quite get enough of it, and I’m not willing to sacrifice it, tbh. So rather than beating myself up about it, I’m choosing to do something that works for me.
I get up somewhere between six and seven in the morning. I have an alarm set for 6:45 (that I am slowly inching back towards 6:30) so that I have at least 15 minutes to make coffee and fully wake up before getting my son ready.
Pro Tip: Last year, we moved our coffee maker into our bedroom. This eliminates time spent in the cold kitchen first thing in the morning, and more time in bed enjoying snuggles with my babe.
Occasionally, I’ll wake up on my own before the alarm (or if I hear my husband’s alarm go off at six) but if not, I don’t beat myself up about it. While My coffee is brewing, I stretch and slowly wake up my body for the day.
Around seven I’ll go get my son out of his crib. About half the time, he is already awake, but he likes to wake up slowly as well so he will just lay there if he wakes before I come to get him. He gets changed and dressed before sitting on the potty. I love this seat insert for potty training! We then go back to my bedroom so he can spend some time with my husband while I drink my coffee.
I have learned the importance of not feeling rushed in the morning, so this coffee drinking ritual is so important for my sanity. Being able to take my time keeps me from feeling overwhelmed right at the start of the day. They listen to music or play during this time. My son loves that he gets to spend time with his dad and I don’t feel like I’m working a 12 hour day.
I get dressed, do my morning ablutions (what a fun word!) and, if there is time, throw in a load of laundry. There is nothing fancy about this routine, it’s more about the importance of the ritual. Putting effort into my appearance, however minimal, is an act of self care that I think is highly important for stay at home moms. I wash my face, use toner, serum, and moisturizer/SPF. That’s it! It take very little time but makes me feel more put together. I don’t usually wear makeup during the week, unless an occasion calls for it.
Even if I am just wearing workout clothes, I make sure they are clean, well fitting, and devoid of stains. That means not wearing my husband’s giant old grody t-shirt out in public, however comfortable it might be. It seems like such a small thing, but wearing clothes that make you feel good affects your overall attitude. I find I’m much less likely to beat myself up over something trivial if I feel good about the way I look.
We head downstairs to start breakfast while my husband gets ready for work. We are so lucky that he can work from home so he can occasionally pop out and see us for a few minutes during the day!
A few years ago, I simplified my breakfast routine to save time during the week. Instead of wondering what I’ll have for breakfast, I have two or three things on rotation so I know I’m getting enough to eat, and I don’t have to think about it every morning. Personally, I wasn’t getting enough protein, so I now start the morning with either a protein cereal or a muffin, and two boiled eggs. This gives me enough energy to make it until lunch most days.
My son gets some type of fruit every morning, as well as a rotation of oatmeal, muffins, yogurt, or eggs. By simplifying our morning routine, I save time and energy. We’re not trying to reinvent the wheel here, just keep the train moving.
I usually finish eating before my son, so I take that time to empty the dishwasher. You can check out my tips to keep your house running smoothly for more ways to simplify your daily routine.
We head to my son’s bathroom for potty time (#pottytraining) and to brush his teeth. I also brush my teeth and grab anything I need for errands while my son plays in our room. We keep a small basket of toys in our bedroom to keep him entertained while I need to get something done (and to keep him from getting into other stuff he shouldn’t!). Then it’s out the door and to the gym!
Usually between 9:00 and 9:15, we arrive at the gym. Our gym has free childcare while we work out, so it is a great opportunity for him to socialize with other children while I get some time to myself. Research local gyms in your area to see if any provide childcare.
Depending on how smoothly our timeline is going, I can get in and out in about an hour, but sometimes that’s just not possible. Even if I can only squeeze in 30 minutes, I do my very best to get to the gym four times per week.
Maintaining your health is important for you, and it sets a healthy example for your kids. Even if I’m not really feeling it, I know I will feel better having tried ten minutes on the treadmill than sitting around in a grumpy mood! Check out this post for some self care ideas!
I usually skip the gym on Wednesdays. This gives some symmetry to my gym routine, and allows my body a chance to rest. On this day, we usually stay home or visit our local library for story time. I do my deep cleaning on Wednesdays because I have more time to devote to it. More on that below.
This is my errand time or my son’s activity time on days I go to the gym. Grocery shopping, going to the post office, or whatever else needs to get done is done while I’m out and about. If we are doing an activity like going to the park or attending an event at our local library, it is done during this time frame. This also saves us money because I’m not using the car multiple times each day.
This is where my stay at home mom morning routine can change up if I need it to. If I don’t need to run any errands, I head home to get some cleaning done. If I didn’t get a chance to start laundry earlier, I start it now. You can check out my weekly cleaning schedule for stay at home moms here. During this time, my son is either playing nearby or having solo play time in his room. He can go about 15-20 minutes right now without supervision, so I check on him often and switch up his current activity to avoid mayhem if needed.
I usually start cooking lunch around 11:30. If something needs to cook longer, I usually put it in the oven or crockpot either before I go to the gym or after I get home. During this time, my son either plays in his playroom or sits in his high chair to work on puzzles and we eat lunch around noon.
- Wake up and give yourself a few minutes to acclimate if you need to before seeing your children
- Ease into your morning, give your partner time with your kids before taking over
- Take care with your appearance and wear something that makes you feel good
- Simplify your breakfast routine by sticking to a few easy meals during the week
- Find time to squeeze in some physical activity
- Delegate certain days for heavy cleaning
- Give yourselves at least one easy day per week
- Utilize batch cooking or crockpots to free up some time in the kitchen
Is your schedule similar to this? What is a time that is most difficult for you? Let me know in the comments below and we can brainstorm some solutions together!
This stay at home mom morning routine is simple, easy and totally doable! For my evening routine, click here!