50 Super Fun Frugal Activities for the Whole Family
50 Frugal Family Activities
I love making memories, but I don’t like when it costs an arm and a leg. If I can find a more cost-effective way to have some fun, I’m going to do just that. And because we don’t gate keep over here at Nesting Domestic, I’m going to share my favorite ways to get the whole family involved without breaking the bank!
This post has a lot of information, so go ahead and save it so that you can come back later.
How to Save the Most
You will see a lot of different ideas in this post. Some are totally free and others do have a cost associated with them. If there is a way to score a discount, make sure you do so. Things like yearly passes, group rates, and discounted seasons or times can all help to lower the cost of some of these ideas.
Go in on a group rate with a friend, go in the off season, or during non-peak hours. That’s how you get the ‘frugal’ part of frugal family activities.
Keep in Mind
Some of these ideas may be based on a season. You won’t be building a snowman in the summer (usually!). Keep that in mind when planning activities with your family. Some are better done during holidays, and others can be whenever you see fit. Whenever you do these activities, make sure to let loose, have fun, and make some memories!
There are also activities that are suited for older children, as well as toddlers. The point of this post is to give you ideas as a whole family, so modify as you see fit!
50 Frugal Family Activities
Go Hiking
Look for the most interesting animal or plant you can find. Count how many birds/bugs/other people you see.
Play Hide & Seek with Low or No Lights
This can be a fun game with older children as well. I remember playing flashlight tag when I was little and always had a blast.
Stay Up Late and Stargaze
The kiddos will feel like they are getting away with something and you’ll be making memories at the same time.
Go for a Walk Around Your Neighborhood
Play I Spy or talk about each other’s week. Don’t forget to bring the furry family member too!
Go Camping (in a park or your own backyard)
This is a great (screen free) way to spend time together.
Make Hot Cocoa and Have a Movie Night
When the weather is cold, hot cocoa sounds soooo good. And winter movie nights were some of my favorites as a kid after playing in the snow all day.
Go Sledding
I mean, how fun does that sound? If the weather is snowy, make it a family affair and go sledding!
Bake a Cake Together
Have fun mixing, baking, and icing the cake and then enjoy a slice together. Baking has benefits for children big and small. They can practice counting, measuring, pouring, and patience!
Build a Snowman Together
What’s more family friendly than building a snowman together?!
Have a Living Room Picnic
instead of eating at the dinner table, make special memories and have a picnic in your living room! Order a pizza or make sandwiches, spread out a blanket and enjoy an ‘unusual’ dinner. Bonus points if you pack it in a basket.
Make Homemade Valentines Day cards
Time for arts and crafts! Grandma (or your lovely neighbors) could use a homemade gift from the kiddos! And the great thing is, you don’t have to buy a thing! Grab some paper, markers, and go to town! Got some stickers? Slap them on. Puffy paint? Go for it! Use whatever you have on hand to create a work of art and share it with those you care about. This is good for any holiday, really.
Go Ice Skating
Take the kiddos ice skating outdoors if the weather permits or find an ice hall nearby. This is a great family activity that also gives you a workout.
Build a Blanket Fort
Building forts is a quintessential childhood experience in my opinion! Eat hotdogs and tell campfire-style stories by flashlight to make it a real indoor camp experience.
Make Smores Together
You can even have Smores in your blanket fort! This is a great activity for the backyard, or on rainy nights, pop them in the microwave for a few seconds and enjoy.
Find a Local Jump House
Most have activities for older children, but many provide activities for little ones as well. You can even look for toddler-specific bounce places.
Have a Face Painting Contest
Buy a face painting kit and take turns painting each other’s faces. This one comes with a booklet explaining how to paint different things, so no need to shy away from this activity for fear of failure!
Create a Household Obstacle Course
Use painters tape to mark X’s on the floor to hop on, use a pop up tunnel to crawl through, institute a ‘floor is lava’ rule, or have them army crawl under the kitchen table. You can be as creative as you want!
Build a Bird Feeder
Use a pine cone, bird seed, and twine for an easy family craft. This is a great frugal family activity because the kiddos will then have fun waiting and watching for birds to come!
Have a Chalk Drawing Contest
Chalk is inexpensive and lasts for many, many sessions. You can do this in your driveway or on the sidewalk. Plus, no clean up after! Just wait for a rainy day and it’ll wash away on it’s own. Trace the outline of your bodies, draw a hopscotch grid, or draw your favorite animals. The possibilities are endless!
Go to an Aquarium
Look into yearly or seasonal passes for the best deal. That way, you can attend all year long. Plus, there may be discounts to other local attractions included in your membership. Just call and ask!
Go to a Local Public Garden and Check Out What is in Bloom
Many Gardens have activities just for kids. Springtime is the perfect time to see many flowers in bloom, but don’t sleep on it in other seasons. Our local botanical garden had BEAUTIFUL light displays during the holidays.
Go on an Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
Whether in the mountains, at the beach, or somewhere in between, you can take the kiddos on a walk to explore the natural world. I like taking my toddler to a park for scavenger hunts. Try some of these ideas:
- A leaf with 5 points
- A funny looking tree
- A blue/grey/whatever color bird
- A spider web
- Moss
- A snail shell
- A pine cone
- A seashell
- Animal tracks
- An interesting bug
- A tree that DOES NOT have brown bark
- A smooth rock
Check your Local Tourism Website for Activities
Visit a festival, carnival, parade or exhibit. Many cities and towns have events going on throughout the year. Whether its local sporting events, a cause to raise awareness, or the opening of a new business, your local tourism organization will know about it!
Lay a Blanket Out and Watch the Clouds Drift By
See how many shapes you can find. If you have older kids, have them make up a story about the shapes you see and have younger kiddos join in!
Check Out Your Local Library
If you are not utilizing your local library, you are missing out! They have a ton of free events like story time, music time, or even art classes. Our library even holds a monthly event where young children can practice their reading skills by reading to a dog. How cool is that?
Besides events, your local library has… wait for it… FREE BOOKS!! That you can just take whenever you want!! Libraries are fantastic for entertaining your little ones while saving money. Check out your local library today. Like right now. I’ll wait. Got your library card? Great, you can keep reading.
Go to a Local Park or Playground Across Town
Instead of going to the same park you always do, mix it up! This keeps your child from getting bored and adds some variety.
Find a Public Splash Pad or Pool
These public recreation areas are fantastic for warm weather, and are either free or very low cost.
Check for Outdoor Concerts or Movies in Your Area
Whoever thought of ‘movies on the lawn’ and its variations deserves some kind of award. I used to work for a nonprofit that put on an event like this during the summer and it was packed every time! Bring chairs, blankets, and snacks and have fun as a family.
Be a Tourist in Your Own Town
Visit a local historical site or try an “touristy” activity you would never normally do. Treat your town like you’re just visiting and see what kind of fun you can have.
Have a Water Balloon Fight
What better way to beat the heat AND have a few laughs? You can purchase balloon filler packs to fill a bunch at once, or even purchase reusable water balloons!
Grab a Toy Sprinkler and Take Turns Getting Wet
You can find sprinklers for super cheap and use them over and over again.
Check Out a Children’s Museum
Many children’s museums have discounted days or seasonal passes, making it even more affordable. Your kiddos get to explore and learn, and let’s face it, adults have fun at these places too. Plus, it is a great way to have fun as a family when the weather is too hot, cold, or unfavorable to be outside.
Visit a Petting Zoo
This is a lower stakes alternative to a zoo. If you are worried about your little one being shy, frightened, or unwilling to engage, a petting zoo is a great place to start before committing to a whole zoo.
Set up a Slip and Slide in the Backyard
You can buy a premade set or just put tarps down and use soap and water. Have fun! You can use frugal family activities like this one as many times as you want as long as the weather is warm.
Make a Meal Together
Pancakes, cookies or even a salad. Kids love to be involved.
Try a Family Game Night
Family Game Night is a fond childhood memory of mine. There are board games and card games for all ages. Check out some of my favorites below:
Go Apple Picking
What a great way to spend time together in the fall! Plus, you get to bring home yummy apples!
Visit a Pumpkin Patch
Many patches allow you to pick your own, or include other activities such as hayrides or corn mazes.
Go as a family to Watch the Leaves Change
Whether you walk or drive, this activity is great for littles learning their colors, as well as a sensory experience. Jump in the leaves, pick them up and watch them float to the ground. Plus, fresh air is great for everyone.
Make your Halloween Costumes This Year
I loved making my son’s 2 year old costume, and if you have willing participants, why not make it a family affair? You’ll be making wonderful memories and your kiddo will be learning at the same time.
Sign Up for a 5k
Littles can ride in a stroller and mom and dad get quality time training together. This is great for families that want to get back into a fitness routine. Having goals can keep you motivated to stick with it.
Volunteer as a Family
This activity is great for teaching your children about caring for others. Whether it is an animal shelter, food bank, library, or through a church or local organization, giving back to your community is important to teach to our children.
Paint Together
This is one of those frugal family activities that is easy to put together. Get a few canvases and brushes and have a blast creating together. Let your creative side shine as a family.
Check Out a Local Play
Support the arts in your area and provide an evening of entertainment for the whole family. Watch high schoolers recreate King Learor view local thespians enact Wicked. Who knows, it may inspire a love of theater in your little ones!
Bake a Pie Together
Spend time as a family and whip up a special treat. The kiddos will be proud to show off their hard work, and you get to enjoy the spoils together!
Clean Out the Playroom or Children’s Bedrooms as a Family
Donate outgrown toys to a family in need. Instead of letting old toys collect dust, donate them to someone that will get use out of them. Plus, it is less that you have to declutter later. Teach your child the importance of generosity.
Decorate for the Holidays Together
This goes for any holiday, but make it a family affair! Put up lights, decorate the tree, hang stockings. It will get you into the holiday spirit as a family. You can also check out 25 Christmas Traditions to Start This Year for more ideas.
Have a Family Dance Party
This is one of those frugal family activities that is totally free! You don’t even need to leave the house! Put on some music and get the wiggles out in your living room!
Plant a Garden Together
Kids love helping and getting their hands dirty. This activity lets them do both! Plus, what is better than feeding your family food that you grew with your own two hands?
Have an Indoor Campfire
Set up a tent or sleeping bags in the living room. Take turns telling stories, making funny faces, or use a flashlight to make hand puppets on the wall! You can even get this adorable pretend campfire set to add some fun!

What are your favorite frugal family activities? I absolutely LOVE making smores and taking my kiddo to the splash pad! If you have a go-to frugal family activity, drop it in the comments below.
I love how simple and practical this list is!
Kids don’t get to experience it anymore because of online school, but snow days were the best because of sledding! My dad would put us on a sled and go down this crazy hill in the back of our property. He has been gone for a year, and I’m still thankful for those memories! You don’t need money to make happy memories, you need time!
Loved this list as my son and I are running out of things to do this winter!