How to Prepare for Going Out of Town
How to Prepare for Going Out of Town. Plus a Free Packing Checklist Printable!
Going out of town can be daunting with a toddler. We have family in several different states, so getting there in one piece with all we need has become a way of life.
I used to stress over making sure I didn’t forget anything, and inevitably would anyway. Over time, I’ve developed a system for getting the house ready and getting my family ready without losing my marbles.
The secret? A checklist of course! But this isn’t any old checklist. I’ve included space for you to customize the list to exactly what you need.
There is a checklist for your home, to make sure it is prepped and taken care of while you are gone. I’ve made adjustments for flying versus driving, and even included space for your furry family members!
One Week Prior
Make a checklist
You can use my free packing checklist to make it easier. You can use this leading up to your departure to make sure everything gets accomplished. I’ve even included checklists for babies and toddlers, because let’s be honest, they require a lot more stuff!
Complete any outstanding chores early
This will keep you from stressing and give you time to focus on and enjoy your trip. Things like giving the dog a bath, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, or cleaning the kitchen can be done ahead of time so that in the days leading up to your departure, you’re not scrambling to get it all done. Check out my Rotational Cleaning Guide to get on track.
3-4 Days Prior
Get the laundry done
Don’t wait until the day before. Make sure to wash anything you’ll need for the trip so that it is ready when you start to pack. If you follow my Weekly Cleaning Schedule, there should only be a small amount to get done ahead of time.
Clean the car
Especially if you are road-tripping to your destination (or just road-tripping!), make sure you’ve cleaned out your trunk and back seat so that you have enough room for everything you’re bringing.
Two Days Prior
Start packing
Use packing cubes to save space and organize your clothing. Pack a lint roller, because odds are, you’ll need it. I use a toiletry bag similar to this one and it’s seriously so helpful.
Tidy Up
Finish chores so that the last day can be less stressful. That means using up leftovers in the fridge, emptying trash from anywhere except the main kitchen bin, and watering any plants.
The Night Before
Place all luggage in one spot by the front door
The only things you should have to pack the next morning are toiletries and things used overnight, like your kid’s sound machine or your phone charger.
I like to have the car packed the night before so that all we have to do is grab essentials and hop in.
Clean dishes
The only things you should have to clean the morning you leave are what you use for breakfast.
Clear the fridge
Toss anything that will expire before you return. This task ensures that there is no leftover garbage left to stink up your home while you are gone.
Fill Up Your Tank
If you are driving, fill up your tank the night before so that you don’t have to detour as soon as you get started. This is also sound advice if you need to drive to the airport. No one wants to be late for their flight because they forgot to get fuel!
Before You Leave
Change sheets
There is nothing better than returning home to freshly washed sheets. Your future self will thank you.
Take out the trash
Self explanatory.
Pack Last Minute Items
I like to keep this bag handy to toss all the essential items in. That way, they are easily accessible when we arrive at our destination.
Turn Out the Lights
Make sure you don’t run up your electricity bill while you are gone.
Do One Last Walkthrough
I like to work down, starting from my closet and bath, then my bedroom. I check out my son’s room and bathroom, and then head downstairs. The living room and kitchen are the last stop before heading to the garage. Once I know I didn’t forget anything, I turn out the garage light and we’re off! This make travelling much less stressful because I know I have everything I need for going out of town.
I love using this packing list printable to make sure I’ve got everything I need before going out of town. You can customize it no matter how long or short your trip is. Let me know in the comments what you think!

Great list – especially for those with children.