
How to Entertain Your Toddler When You Are Sick

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How to Entertain Your Toddler When You are Sick

You guys. I have been sick for two weeks three at the time of posting. Now, that might not sound like a big deal to people who can take off from work when they are under the weather, but I’m a stay at home mom. My job does not have sick days. And my toddler still needs to be taken care of whether I feel good or not.

My whole family got sick with some kind of cough-phlegm-head fog-nastiness. My toddler has been whiny (reasonably so) and lashing out more often because he doesn’t feel good. My husband and I are sleeping in different bedrooms because our coughing keeps waking the other up. Needless to say, it has not been fun. 

But my husband still had to work and since we were contagious, I couldn’t outsource my job to a willing family member. So I had to get creative in how I kept my toddler entertained, because FOR SOME REASON toddlers don’t want to just lay down and sit quietly when they don’t feel good. So without further ado, here are some great ideas to entertain your toddler when you are sick!

You’re going to want to read this post for future reference so go ahead and save it now so that you don’t lose it!

Use Special Toys

I am a big fan of special use toys. I like to keep a small bag in the car for long trips. In it are toys he doesn’t see very often, and therefore doesn’t get bored with quickly. The same rule applies when you are under the weather. Keep a small shoebox with a lid (I like these) full of seldom used toys on a high shelf in your child’s closet and pull it out when you can’t muster the energy to do the entertaining.

Let Go of Perfection

If your toddler will happily destroy the playroom while you sit nearby, let him. Don’t worry about cleaning up right now. Focus on resting when you can, even if that’s just sitting while your kiddo pulls out every. Single. Toy. There will be time for cleaning up later when you feel better.

Befriend the Screen

We don’t allow our toddler a lot of screen time. Most days it’s zero. But if Ninja Turtles will keep your kid occupied so you can rot on the couch, be flexible. A few days of TV won’t ruin your kiddo and it’ll allow you to heal. 

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Imagination

My kid will happily play (sick or healthy) in his room for at least 30 minutes as long as I’m in there. I don’t even join in on his imaginary play unless he comes over and engages with me. For more tips on getting your toddler to play independently, click here

Make Smoothies Together

When I am sick, I try to overload my system with vitamins and nutrients, so a smoothie is an easy way to do this. Have your toddler help with filling the blender and then again with pushing the blender buttons. If you allow your kiddo to do all the work, this can easily take up 15 minutes with little work on your end. You can entertain your toddler when you are sick and nurture your bodies at the same time.

Ask for Help

If you are not contagious and a friend or family member is willing, ask them to watch your toddler so you can get some rest. Even if it’s only a few hours so you can nap, your body will thank you. 

Avoid Going Stir Crazy

My son and I didn’t leave the house for nine days, and by the end of that time, we were struggling. If at all possible, get out of the house. Even if it is only to the backyard. Take a walk around your neighborhood. Let your kiddo ride her bike in the cul de sac or draw with chalk on the driveway. Heck, strap your kiddo in the car and just drive around if you have the energy. 

A change of scenery may help you to be more patient and your kiddo less likely to lash out. If you think you might be contagious, avoid going in public/around others but do your best to provide an outlet.  

Trade off With Your Partner

If both parents are sick, you can trade off duties so that each gets a chance to heal. My husband has been able to take off a day each week I was sick so that I could just rest the whole day. On his days off, we traded each hour or two with our son so we could both get a chance to rest.

When you are both sick, there becomes this strange sort of partnership, like you’re in the trenches together. Your partner can commiserate because they’re literally feeling the same things and know how miserable you feel because they do too. Lean on your partner if you can and allow them to do the same.

Other Sickness Tips

Nap When Your Toddler Naps

I know you’re worried about your house being dirty but your priority is taking care of your family and yourself. It’ll get cleaned up when you don’t feel like death. 

Don’t Put Off Going to the Doctor

If you think you need prescribed meds, get them. Don’t martyr yourself. No one is winning a prize for being the most miserable.

Order Out if it Makes Your Life Easier

If you can, order food for a couple meals until everyone gets back on their feet. It’s ok if it’s not the healthiest meal. Pro tip: I order Chinese because there’s always enough for leftovers and there are veggies in most meals!

Order Your Groceries

Don’t try to brave the store when you feel like poop. Many grocery stores have shoppers that will even load the grocery bags into your car for you. 

Use Disposable Plates

Don’t kill yourself trying to keep up with the dishes when you just want to lay down. 

how to keep your toddler entertained when you are sick
how to entertain your toddler when you are sick
How to entertain your toddler when youre sick

Being sick is not fun. Being sick with a toddler is a struggle. Know that this will pass and you’ll be back to your regular schedule soon.

What are your go-to solutions to entertain your toddler when you are sick? Let me know in the comments below. 

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  1. Navigating your mom responsibilities while being sick is ‘talk about a total nightmare’. Thanks for great tips and reminders.

  2. Kids will kids, there will always be something to catch their attention and keep them busy while you rest, you just have to find out what it is and be flexible about it.

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