11 Fun & Easy Independent Play Activities for Toddlers

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11 Fun & Easy Independent Play Activities for Toddlers

When you need to get dinner on the table or the laundry done or else no one is wearing pants tomorrow, sometimes you need your toddler to play independently. You need a safe, captivating activity that will allow them to stay engaged while you get stuff done, at least for a while. These independent play activities are sure to keep your toddler engaged and out of trouble while you get stuff done!

What is Independent Play?

As toddlers grow, they learn how to play in different ways. They can engage in what is called Parallel Play, where they play by themselves adjacent to other children their age. They can play one-on-one, such as playing directly with mommy or daddy. 

Another style of play is called Independent Play, where they can entertain themselves without the need for someone (usually a parent) to be right next to them. That is what we are discussing today. You can read tips on how to get your child to play independently here

Independent Play Activities

Wooden Blocks

We can squeeze 20-30 minutes of independent play out of a set of wooden blocks. They can be used to build or to pretend, and as your child’s imagination grows, so will the ways in which they use their blocks.


These are a big hit with my kiddo. He loves watching his cars go around this dino magnetic race track. In fact, during the slow week after Christmas when my husband was off from work, he coerced my husband into spending all day playing with it!

No, really! We woke up, played with it before breakfast, and then ate. They went back up to play with it until lunch time, and then again for almost three hours in the afternoon! It was delightful to hear him giggling and asking his dad to turn the track different ways. Once my husband went back to work, I was still able to get at least 30 minutes of independent play out of it!

There is another set he plays with at the childcare center at our gym, and I’ve seen many of the kids enjoy building different things with them!


In our house, coloring is fun, but only for short bursts. Your kiddo may willingly sit there for hours coloring, but I’m going to get about fifteen minutes, tops. Still, my toddler is working on playing independently for longer and longer stints, so I’m happy with that. 


This is a great independent play activity for working those fine motor skills. Use Q-tips or pipe cleaners and have your kiddo practice feeding them into an old (cleaned) spice container. The small holes are perfect for helping them aim. You can also use pom poms and have your child push them into a water bottle, just be mindful that the hole is big enough that their fingers don’t get stuck. 


Although most toddlers cannot read yet, they still learn by looking at pictures, lifting flaps, or describing what they see. When my son is in the mood, he can sit with his books for twenty minutes or so. This also means that he tears all of the books off the shelf, but then we get to practice cleaning up together, so really, I think it’s a win-win. 

Action Figures

Whether it is Batman or My Little Pony, your toddler will eventually hit a stage where they start using pretend play. A lot of this started for my son with him repeating what he had heard on Paw Patrol or some other show. Action Figures are a great way to allow them to be creative while you get stuff done around the house. Below are some action figures that have been big hits in our house:


Let your little artist shine! Chalk is a great way to get some independent play in while you are doing yard work. 

I will say that this took some work on my end before my son would color without me. At first, he wanted me to draw pictures for him, so I had to coax him into creating on his own. But once he got the hang of it, he stopped coming over every two minutes to ask me to draw something. Now, he will color for a while and only stops to show me his artwork every now and again. Still, I think this is a great way to create opportunities for independent play. 

Mini Trampolines

Our niece has a mini trampoline, and my brother-in-law has mentioned that she will bounce while watching an entire 30 minute show. It is a great way to get some exercise on those days where being outside isn’t an option. 

Play Doh

Dude. My kid once played with Play Doh for forty five minutes while I cooked dinner. I set him up on the far end of our kitchen island (he uses this tower and it is the best toddler tool we have ever gotten!), and creates happily. 

I know some moms are skeptical of Play Doh because of the mess factor, but honestly, I’d take it over slime or glitter ANY DAY. Because I have him set up on the counter, I am not worried about cleaning Play Doh out of fabric or crevices. We have this picnic Play Doh set and it has gotten so much use in the last year and a half. 

Musical Instruments

My son loves music. Making it, listening to it, and most recently, making up his own songs! So his wooden music set has gotten a lot of love in the past two years. This is an independent activity that can keep them busy (and also let you know where they are!) while you get your cleaning done


Give your kiddo a couple of bowls, boxes, or other containers and have her sort something. This could be pom-poms by color, or differences like square blocks versus triangle blocks. I like to use my son’s train set because there are so many different types of track. He can sort them by round/straight or short/long pieces.

Let your toddler grow and learn through these 11 fun and easy independent play activities!
Get more done in your day by exposing your toddler to independent play activities to capture their attention!
Give your toddler the gift of independence with these super fun independent play activities!

Have you started trying to introduce independent play with your toddler? You can also check out my post on teaching your child how to play independently for more tips. Teaching your child to play independently takes some time and effort but it is so worth it. Not only from an educational standpoint, but just generally as a busy mom. 

Have you tried any of these independent play activities? If so, let me know about it in the comments below!

PS: want more tips and tricks for stay at home moms? Check out my Pinterest page and be sure to give me a follow while you’re there! 

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