17 Quick and Easy Items to Declutter Today
17 Quick & Easy Items to Declutter Today
Are you feeling overwhelmed with the clutter in your house these days? I’ve been there, and when I don’t have time to do a deep cleaning, I look for quick and easy items to declutter. You can accomplish everything on this list in less than ten minutes. It will leave you feeling like you can breathe again. Take charge of your home today!
You can also check out more decluttering posts below:
Whether you accomplish one or all seventeen items on this list, getting rid of the unnecessary allows more room for what really matters. Without further ado…
17 Quick and Easy Household Items to Declutter:
The Junk in Your Purse
A mom’s purse can be a dumping ground for leftover snacks, odd items your toddler brings you, a wad of used tissues, extra hair ties, and a million other random things. throw away the trash, put anything that doesn’t belong in it’s rightful home, and brush away any debris that has collected at the bottom.
The Diaper Bag
Let’s be honest, it probably needs to be restocked anyway. I always end up shoving snack wrappers and random toys in there until it is ready to burst. Reorganize it and discard the rest.
Broken Toys
This seems self explanatory. If it does not work or can hurt you or you child, it needs to go. If you have been planning on fixing it for more than six months, toss it.
Used or Expired Medicine
We all have those extra bottles of cold medicine that have been sitting under the sink for way too long. Check the expiration dates and properly discard of anything out of date.
Unless they’re for taxes, then put them in a folder in a safe place until they are needed. But those six grocery receipts you kept in various jacket pockets can go.
Torn clothing that can’t be mended can go in the trash. Donate Ill fitting clothing to someone who needs it more than you.
Your Bedside Table Drawer
I’m sure there’s a used up tube of lip balm or one too many extra hair ties littering your drawer. Put everything in its proper home or get rid of it.
Books You’re Never Going to Read
Don’t get me wrong, I love reading, and I love love love thrifted books. But only if I will actually read them. That book you got from a friend but aren’t actually interested in is just taking up space. My husband gets sent books for work all the time. While it may have been useful two years ago, that book about company software does not need to stay in our house any longer.
If you are done having children and your youngest is five, you probably don’t need to keep all of those baby books. Keep a few that your child loved for keepsakes and donate the rest to an expecting friend or consignment shop.
The Hall Closet
Put away out of season clothing and shoes. Sweep it and only replace necessary items.
Paper Clutter
Old appointment cards and outdated paper clutter on your fridge need to go in the trash. Save wedding invitations or appointment cards that you need or want to keep as a keepsake and toss the rest.
Random Stuff in Your Car
Old snack wrappers, a shoe your child swears he didn’t take off, that stack of diapers you took out of the diaper bag when you were looking for something, it needs to go; either in the trash or to its rightful home.
Check out my post on organizing your car with a toddler for more help!
Stuff You’ve Never Unpacked
That box of cables you’ve been saving since college just in case. You haven’t needed it so far and it’s just taking up space. Let’s be real, if you find you suddenly need it (which is unlikely), you can buy a new one.
Same goes for boxes you never unpacked full of décor you no longer like, or that box of VHS’s. Seriously, you don’t even own a VHS player.
Holiday Décor That You No Longer Love
Maybe it was cheap and you were a broke college student. Maybe it was hand me downs from your mom. Perhaps your style has just totally changed. Either way, don’t keep it if you’re not going to use it; it’s just taking up storage space.
Your Kitchen Drawers
I’m willing to bet you’ve got one too many appliances or utensils in your drawers. Do you really need four whisks or two melon ballers? Get rid of what you’re not using! If that oyster shucker sits there all year but you never use it, why leave it there collecting dust?
Your Front Porch
Get rid of dead or dying planters, or random items that have collected there. Sweep it and put away any lingering holiday décor.
Your Pet’s Area
Discard any chewed or ripped up toys or empty treat packages. Clean their crate or bed and sweep out excess dirt.
Under the Bathroom Sink
Get rid of empty bottles or discarded packaging wrappers. Put used towels in the laundry and wipe everything down. Donate unused lotions and hair products. There is no need to keep what you do not intend to use.

You can accomplish everything on this list in under ten minutes. Have thirty minutes? Check off three tasks on this list and you will start to feel like you have things back under control! You can also check out my weekly cleaning schedule for stay at home moms. What is your favorite quick and easy item to declutter in a hurry? Let me know in the comments below!
I need to declutter so bad. These are great tips. Thanks for sharing.