How to Clean Your Home: A Rotational Home Cleaning Guide

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Rotational Cleaning Guide

As a busy stay at home mom, I found it difficult to stay on top of all of the cleaning and cooking and laundry and whatever else life threw at me. I knew I had to figure out a way to clean my home without spending hours each day doing it. I wanted to focus my time on my son and husband, not scrubbing toilets. 

Which is why I decided to create a realistic cleaning schedule that worked for me. This rotational cleaning guide will take you through the entire house, top to bottom, to ensure every area is being cleaned without overwhelming your to do list. Once instituting this rotational cleaning schedule, I found that I spent less time overall cleaning and was able to spend more focused time with my son. 

Before we get started, be sure to save this post so you can come back to it. There is a ton of meaty information here, and you’re going to want to have it handy!

Update: You can now purchase my Rotational Cleaning Guide in my printables shop!

So How Does it Work?

My rotational cleaning schedule is set on a six week rotation. Each week is dedicated to certain areas in the house, grouped by either task or function. The goal is to focus on deep cleaning one area, rather than trying to clean individual things like all the doors in the house or every single light socket. 

With a baby and now a toddler, I found myself unable to complete tasks if it meant scrambling around the entire house to do them. By working in one area at a time, I can bring my son with me and I no longer have to worry about stopping to check on him or make sure he’s not getting into something he’s not supposed to. So let’s break it down:

Six Week Rotation

  • Week 1: master suite
  • Week 2: kids rooms and bathroom, guest room and bathroom, linen closet
  • Week 3: entry, Mudroom, laundry (all rooms that bring in dirt or deal with it) and playroom
  • Week 4: living, dining, stairs, half bath
  • Week 5: kitchen and pantry
  • Week 6: garage, porches, outdoor

You’ll see a lot of things repeated for each room. This is because this rotational cleaning schedule works by room instead of by task. What that means is instead of wiping down every baseboard in the house at one time (which can be overwhelming and is likely to not be completed), you’ll only wipe down the baseboards in the master suite during week one and so forth. 

Week 1

I like to work top to bottom when cleaning. Because we live in a two story home, this applies to the order that I clean rooms. Week one of my rotational cleaning guide is devoted solely to the master suite. This includes the master bedroom, master bathroom, master closet, and a linen closet, if applicable. Our current home does not have a linen closet, a mistake we won’t be making in any future homes!

During this week, focus on the deep cleaning necessary to keep your home well maintained. 

Master Bedroom

  • clean under the bed
  • wipe baseboards
  • dust
  • wipe down and polish furniture
  • clear any cobwebs
  • empty the trash
  • clean windows
  • wipe down light switches and doorknobs
  • wipe down the walls
  • clear off clutter from flat surfaces
  • straighten the drawers in nightstands or dressers 

Master Bathroom

Because you are freshening the bathrooms each week, the bathroom is less labor intensive than if you hadn’t touched it for a month.

  • wipe down the walls
  • wash area rugs
  • wipe down baseboards
  • wipe down light switches and door knobs
  • restock toiletries, toilet paper and towels
  • clean the shower and tub
  • sweep and mop
  • dust the exhaust fans
  • straighten under the cabinets
  • scrub the toilet with a cleaner 

Master Closet

This takes no time at all, even with a large closet.

  • wipe down light switches and doorknobs
  • straighten the shelves
  • arrange any items that have fallen or been misplaced
  • dust

These tasks can be done in any order you like. I usually clean the bathroom all at once, so that I don’t have to take chemicals out multiple times during this week. The rest can be done when you have a few minutes to spare, or you can knock them all out in an hour. 

Week 2

This week in the rotational cleaning guide is all about the bedrooms and bathrooms, excluding the master suite. All our rooms are on the second floor, so I can clean the entirety of the upstairs in two weeks. 

Kids Bedrooms

I find my toddlers room to be the easiest bedroom to clean because we pick up each night and we don’t store any extras in his room as a safety precaution. Whereas my bedroom can become a dumping ground for items that don’t have a home if I am not careful. 

  • wipe down baseboards
  • wipe down and polish furniture
  • wipe down the walls and doors
  • wipe down light switches and doorknobs
  • straighten drawers and closets
  • sanitize toys
  • clean windows
  • wash curtains
  • straighten toy shelves
  • clean under the bed
  • sort out-grown clothing
  • swap out any toys if you rotate your kids toys

Kids Bathrooms

This list is similar to the master bath list in that it is not as labor intensive because of the weekly refresh it receives.

  • wash area rugs
  • sweep and mop the floor
  • dust the exhaust fans
  • wipe down light switches and doorknobs
  • straighten drawers and cabinets
  • clean the shower and/or tub
  • soak and/or scrubbing bath toys
  • scrub the toilet with cleaner
  • empty the garbage
  • wipe down baseboards, walls, and doors

Guest Bedroom

This room is fairly easy, and only a little more difficult if you’ve recently had or are expecting guests.

  • put away any stray items
  • wipe down baseboards, walls and doors
  • straighten the closet and drawer,
  • wipe down light switches and doorknobs
  • wipe down and polish furniture
  • wash the curtains
  • clean the windows

Guest Bathroom

Yep, you guessed it, this is similar to the other bathrooms I’ve mentioned.

  • clean the area rugs
  • dust the exhaust fan
  • sweep and mop the floor
  • straighten drawers and cabinets
  • clean the shower and tub
  • scrub the toilet with cleaner
  • empty the garbage
  • wipe down light switches and doorknobs
  • wipe down baseboards, walls, and doors

Linen Closet

I change the sheets each week in my house, I have a good idea of what is in my linen closet. By keeping only necessities and discarding the rest, you will be able to locate needed items quicker and easier.

  • discard mismatched or damaged linens and towels
  • restock toiletries and toilet paper
  • take inventory of anything you need to shop for
  • match bed sets together
  • straighten the shelves

I also store my vacuum in here, so I wipe it down as well. This keeps dust from accumulating in the closet. 

Week 3 

This week entails the major entry points of your home, and a very high traffic area: the playroom.  These are the places most likely to track in mud or other messes or have to deal with it. These are the entryway, mudroom, and laundry room. This rotational cleaning guide works so well because it takes into consideration what areas are going to be used heavily and tackles them all.


  • clean the windows
  • wipe down the baseboards, walls, and doors
  • wipe down light switches and doorknobs
  • straighten the coat closet


In our next house, I dream of a dedicated mudroom with lockers, but we are working with a small coat closet by the garage right now. Nevertheless, keeping it tidy is important as it is one of the hardest working areas in the house.

  • wipe down light switches and door knobs
  • sweep and mop the floor
  • wipe down or polish furniture or benches
  • remove and put away out of season clothes
  • wipe down baseboards, walls and doors
  • straighten any belongings in your closet or lockers 

If you have a pet, you will clean their area this week as well.

  • clean their food and water dishes
  • wash their bedding
  • sweep out their sleeping area
  • restock their food and other supplies

Laundry Room

This is a frequently used room so it is important that it is clean and functional.

  • wipe down the outsides of the washer and dryer
  • clean the yucky buildup inside the washer lid
  • throw out empty bottles or trash
  • take note of supplies that need replacing for your grocery list
  • sweep and mop the floor
  • wipe down the walls and doors
  • look behind the appliances for lost clothing
  • put away any lingering clothing
  • wipe down light switches and knobs


I group the playroom with the entryway because in our house, they are right next to each other. This also happens to be where a lot of outside things come in be used my toddler likes to bring in leaves and rocks he finds outside.

  • sweep and mop the floor
  • wipe down or polish furniture
  • clean the windows
  • sanitize the toys
  • organize the toys
  • swap out toys if you rotate your kids toys
  • wipe down walls and doors
  • wipe down light switches and door knobs

This week of cleaning deals with a lot of dirt and grime, so it is important to stay on top of your weekly cleaning so that it never becomes overwhelming.

Week 4

Week 4 of the rotational cleaning guide addresses the high traffic areas: the living room, dining room, stairwell, and half bath. 

Living Room

  • wipe down walls and doors
  • clean the windows
  • tidy any shelves, cabinets, or drawers
  • wipe down décor
  • wipe down or polish furniture
  • clean under the couch cushions
  • move the furniture and vacuum
  • steam clean the carpet and couch
  • clean out the fireplace
  • wash any blankets or throws
  • wipe down light switches and knobs
  • wipe down the baseboards

Dining Room

  • wipe down the walls and doors
  • clean the windows
  • tidy the China cabinet or buffet
  • wipe down or polish furniture
  • clean off the dining table and wipe down or polish
  • wipe the baseboards
  • wipe the light switches and door knobs


The stairwell is used everyday but rarely gets much attention. It can get dirty without you even noticing, so be sure to thoroughly clean this area.

  • vacuum or sweep the stairs and landing
  • wipe down the banister and balusters
  • dust the light fixture
  • wipe down light switches and door knobs
  • steam clean the stairs and landing

Half Bath

  • wash area rugs
  • sweep and mop the floor
  • tidy drawers and/or cabinets
  • empty the trash
  • wipe down the vanity
  • dust the exhaust fan
  • wipe down light switches and door knobs
  • wipe down walls and doors

Week 5

Week five is dedicated to arguably the most used area of the house: the kitchen and pantry. This area can get dirty fast, so staying on top of my daily and weekly cleaning tasks make it much easier to manage. Although it is only two rooms or areas, there are quite a few tasks to complete. 


  • wipe down all large appliances
  • empty and deep clean the fridge
  • clean the inside of the microwave
  • clean the oven and stove top
  • wash canisters
  • tidy drawers and sweep away any crumbs
  • tidy cupboards and sweep away any crumbs
  • wipe down walls and doors
  • clean windows
  • clean fan/vent and filters
  • wipe down cabinets
  • dust and clean light fixtures
  • clean and organize under sink
  • make note of under sink supplies needed for grocery list
  • clean coffee maker
  • wipe down the trash can
  • wipe down baseboards and toe kicks
  • wipe down small appliances
  • wipe down light switches and door knobs


  • take everything out and wipe down shelves
  • check expiration dates and discard anything out of date
  • return items to pantry with labels facing out, and the oldest items in front to be used first
  • tidy the floor and sweep
  • wipe down light switches and door knobs
  • wipe down baseboards, walls and doors

Week 6

The final week in our rotational cleaning schedule is all about the outdoors. This includes the porches, garage, and outdoor spaces

Front Porch

  • sweep the porch
  • sweep away any cobwebs
  • brush off any furniture
  • throw away any dead plants
  • trim any landscaping as needed
  • refill bird feeders
  • wipe off tables, banisters, and light fixtures
  • get rid of any unwanted items
  • change out holiday décor

Back Porch

  • sweep the porch
  • sweep away any cobwebs
  • brush off any furniture
  • throw away any dead plants
  • trim any landscaping as needed
  • refill bird feeders
  • wipe off tables, banisters, and light fixtures
  • get rid of any unwanted items
  • change out holiday décor


  • sweep out the garage
  • sweep away any cobwebs
  • clean the inside of vehicles
  • wash and wax vehicles
  • remove any clutter and put in the appropriate place or get rid of it
  • throw out any broken items
  • dust cabinets and shelves
  • and wipe down light switches and door knobs

Outdoor Areas

This is really specific to each home, but there are a few tasks that apply to most everyone. These include cleaning patio furniture, power washing walkways or patios, power washing the exterior of your home, and cleaning yard work tools and appliances. This can be wiping down gardening tools, or cleaning the underside of your lawnmower, and everything in between. This may also be an area you only access during the warmer month. If that is the case, check out my yearly cleaning guide to figure out what needs cleaning when. Assess your outdoor spaces and decide what works best for you. 

Because your home is being touched weekly with dusting, sweeping, mopping, and freshening your bathrooms, the house stays tidy and each week can be devoted to thoroughly deep cleaning a certain area. By implementing this rotational cleaning guide, I have been able to cut down on the amount of time I spend cleaning overall, because every six weeks, the entire house has been cleaned.

I am so pumped to share that you can now purchase my Rotational Cleaning Guide in my printables shop! I have created a beautiful, reusable checklist for this six week rotation. Check it out now!

This realistic rotational cleaning guide works for busy moms like you. By setting your household on a regular schedule, you can focus on what truly matters: your family.

How to easily deep clean your whole home
You can deep clean your whole home in six week! Learn how to clean your hom room by room today!
6 week deep cleaning guide for stay at home moms. Grab yours today!

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