5 Ways Self Care Can Help You be a Better Mom
How Self Care Can Help You Be a Better Mom
Everyone has heard of self care these days, right? It is one of those buzzwords that gets taken out of context to justify just about anything someone wants. So how do we get back to the real meaning of self care? How can it help you be a better mom? I’m so glad you asked!
What is Self Care?
The definition of self care is ‘the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s health’. But what does that mean? Health isn’t just physical, it is mental and emotional too.
Being a mom means taking on an overwhelming mental load. Giving birth is a huge physical feat. Dealing with the emotional rollercoaster of being a mother can be exhausting if you are not taking care of yourself. All of these areas are important in defining self care.
Why is Self Care Important?
New moms are going through (probably) the most hormonal and emotional time of their life, which is why I think self care is incredibly important for moms. If you are not giving yourself the time and attention you deserve, your ability to care for others is negatively impacted. As they say, you cannot pour from an empty cup.
It Allows You to Have an Escape
It can be easy to focus on your kids and spouse 24/7, but it does not allow any time for yourself. Self care gives you the ability to escape the titles of mother, wife, employee, etc…, and simply focus on yourself.
It Reduces Stress
Physical activity reduces stress. Relaxation reduces stress. Taking a break reduces stress. By giving yourself the opportunity to alleviate stressors, you can be more present and focused as a mom.
It Reminds You of Your Worth Outside of Being a Mom
Sometimes being a mother means your wants and needs get pushed to the side. When you have the time to work on a hobby or even just spend some time away from your children can remind you that you do have a life outside of them (and that’s totally a-okay!)
It Shows Your Children the Importance of Hobbies
We all want to set a good example for our children, right? So what better way to do that than by showing them that they can have creative pursuits! Or by showing them the importance of a healthy lifestyle. When your child sees you regularly taking the time to whittle or read or rock climb, it signals to them that their interests are important too.
It is Something You Don’t Have to Justify
I spend a lot of time justifying my actions, mainly to myself. I have always been a perfectionist, people-pleaser, and goal-setter, so doing something just for the sake of doing it tends to leave me feeling guilty for not being productive.
But after having my son, something changed. I realized that time spent doing something I love, like reading, is integral to my happiness. I no longer feel the need to justify to myself (or anyone else) why I read (or write, or exercise, etc…)
How Can Self Care Help Me be a Better Mom?
By taking the time to take care of yourself, you are not only setting a good example for your children, but you are taking an active role in making your life better.
Think about it. If you have a shovel in your garage, and you throw it in the corner until you need it again, it’s probably going to get dirty, banged up, maybe even a little rusted. Over time it is going to stop functioning as well. But if you take that same shovel and hang it on the wall until you need it again, and wash it off when you’re through using it, it is going to last exponentially longer. The same is true of your mental, physical, and emotional state.
Taking care of yourself is no longer optional. It is imperative to be the best version of yourself you can be for your family AND for yourself.
I’ve learned that with regular self care, I am more present with my son, less quick to get frustrated, and overall happier.
If you are looking for some self care ideas, you can check out these posts.
- Self Care Challenge
- 35 Self Care Ideas for Moms
- Self Care Checklist
- Why I Don’t Clean During Nap Time

Do you think self care can help you be a better mom? What are some things you do to take care of yourself? For me, it is 100% reading (you can check out my latest favorite books here), and working out on a regular basis. Let me know in the comments below what you do to squeeze it in!
A great read