Shop My Faves
Every company and product featured on this page is one I have used or am currently using. Please note: Many of these links are affiliate links so if you purchase an item through the links on this page, I will receive a small commission. This helps keep the lights on here at Nesting Domestic. I only link products that I personally use and support. If you choose to make a purchase, a heartfelt thanks from me to you. You can read my full affiliate disclosure here.


Items to make your pregnacy easier and help you prepare for baby.

Sound machines, swaddles and more items to keep Mama and baby happy.

Toys, clothes, and items to make your life easier as a mom with a toddler.


1.) Dreametech Robot Vacuum | 2.) O-Cedar Microfiber Mop | 3.) Bissell Little Green Cleaner | 4.) Miss Mouth’s Messy Eater Stain Treater | 5.) Chom Chom Roller | 6.) HLS diffuser

must see
This Month’s Favorite
My son and I both love this toddler tower! He climbs up to help make dinner, and loves to sit on the bench and color when it is folded down!