55 Great Ways to Save Money Around the House
55 Ways to Save Money Around the House
Saving money is top of mind for many stay at home moms. In order to save money around the house, you need to know what areas are going to be the best for cutting back. If you are anything like me, you like to see your dollars stretch so that you can use those dollars in the best way possible for your family. So I have outlined several areas around the house where you can make your dollar stretch just a little bit further. Today I am sharing 55 ways to save money around the house.
Save Money in the Bathroom
- Turn off the water while brushing your teeth – letting it run while you’re brushing is letting money go down the drain
- Put a timer on your phone and shorten your shower time – see how much time you waste under running water
- Lower the max temperature on your water heater by a few degrees – It costs money to heat your water for showers and such, so if your water heater isn’t working as hard, you don’t pay as much
- Shower together – use the time to talk about your day or.. other things. Either way, less time running the water can lower your bill each month
Save Money in the Kitchen
- Shop sales – know when expensive cuts of meat are going on sale can save you money
- Don’t take out the trash until the bag is full
- Save your vegetable scraps to make a vegetable broth instead of throwing them out
- Cook your bacon on a sheet rack in the oven and save the grease to use in place of butter
- Eat less meat – meat is more expensive than fruits or veggies. Limit your meat consumption by a fraction and you can stretch your grocery budget further.
- Buy in bulk – buying items in bulk can result in a lower overall price. Just be sure to only buy items you actually need and will use.
- Use substitutes instead of driving to the store for one item – for example, you can use vegetable oil, mayo or a banana to substitute for an egg if you are out.
- Reuse water -If you are rinsing fruits or veggies in the sink, put a bowl underneath to catch the water and then use it to water your plants.
- Wash your produce and store where you can see it – this will ensure it doesn’t get shoved to the back of the fridge and go bad before you can eat it
- Make food from scratch – you pay a premium for ready-made foodstuffs. Homemade bread is a fraction of the cost of store bought, and it’s delicious!
- Use Ibotta to save money on groceries you were going to buy anyway
- Cook in batches, instead of nightly so that you aren’t using appliances as often
- Cook in batches and freeze half. You’ll have a ready made meal for later and avoid getting sick of what you’re eating and throwing it out
- Fully load your dishwasher before running it – if the racks are less than 75% full, wait to run the dishwasher.
- At the same time… Don’t overload your dishwasher – If the dishwasher is too full, the dishes cannot be properly cleaned, which leads to having to wash them again.
- Make breakfast and coffee at home instead of stopping on your way to work
- Make your husband’s lunch instead of him going out to eat every day during work
- Look into savings programs for your state. Many have tax free weekends, or even months on certain products. You can check for your state here.
Cut Expenses on Laundry
- Line-dry your clothes
- Rewear clothing – many items like jeans don’t need to be washed after each wear. It also keeps your clothing from wearing out as fast because washing machines are notoriously hard on clothing.
- Make your own laundry detergent
Save Money Outside the Home
- Pause before running to the store for one item – Decide whether you actually need it or if it can wait until another shopping trip so that you don’t waste fuel.
- Walk or ride your bike to the mailbox/corner store/a neighbor’s house
- Avoid watering the lawn in the middle of the day when it is most likely to evaporate – water early in the morning or after dark so that it soaks into the ground and you can shorten the amount of time the water is running
- Plan the route for your errands so that you are not backtracking and using extra gas – group tasks together so you are not leaving the house multiple times per day
- Carpool whenever possible
- Wait an extra day or two to mow your grass (as long as you’re not getting in trouble with your HOA!) instead of mowing one per week, mow every nine or ten days to cut down on the amount of gas you use.
Cut Back on Bills & Subscriptions
- Work out at home instead of paying for a gym membership
Ditch multiple TV subscriptions – do you really need more than one? - Make food at home instead of paying for a meal subscription service
- Contact your service providers to see if they are running any specials that could lower your bill.
- Shop around to see if you can find a provider at a lower cost
- If you are moving, consider your needs – A smaller house footprint means less to heat and cool, a smaller rent or mortgage, less to clean, and less to store more junk
- If you have a car note, consider paying it off before more interest can accrue or selling it and purchasing a less expensive vehicle (with no payment!)
Whole House
- Turn off lights when you leave the room
- Sweep and mop instead of running the vacuum any time there is a spill
- Change out your air filters to keep your duct system working properly – If your filters are clogged, it makes the system work harder to push air around your home
- Use natural light. Open your blinds instead of turning on lights in the middle of the day
- Invest in energy/water saving appliances – If you know you need to purchase a new appliance, look into energy-efficient versions to save you monthly on your energy bills.
- Use coupons when shopping
- Unplug appliances when not in use
- Switch the direction of your fan with the seasons
- Reuse old flyers/notebooks for scratch paper instead of buying new
- Raise the temperature in the summer and lower it in the winter – 78 degrees in the summer and 68 degrees in the winter is optimal
- Open windows instead of changing the thermostat
- if you have a wood burning fireplace, use it instead of turning on the heat in the winter
- Wear socks or long sleeves to bed instead of adjusting the thermostat
- But reusable seasonal décor – Buying new décor each season can really add up. Invest in pieces you can use year after year, or skip the seasonal décor altogether and use the same things year-round
- Have a yard sale – If you’re not using it, why store it? Make a quick buck by getting rid of stuff you no longer use. You can check out my quick guide on decluttering for some more tips!
- Get outdoors – You won’t be using extra electricity if you are out of the house
- Shop after holidays – I always buy wrapping paper in January and get holiday outfits for my son after the holiday has passed (remember to size up so they can wear it next year!)
- Shop yard sales and consignment shops for gently used toys at a much lower price
These days, it seems like everything is costing more. Use these 55 ways to save money around the house to to make sure you are giving your family their best chance. For more money saving tips, click here.