Simple Weekly Home Cleaning Schedule for Stay at Home Moms
Weekly Cleaning Schedule for Stay at Home Moms
Hi Friend!
I am SO pumped to share with you my brand new weekly cleaning schedule for stay at home moms! I created this schedule to help me get more done during the week. This schedule takes into consideration how much busy moms have to do and simplifies their cleaning schedules.
Cleaning while your kids are running around your house (creating new messes!) can be challenging. In my experience, it helps if I have a set plan for cleaning so that my house stays in a rhythm.
Today I’m going to show you my simple weekly cleaning schedule for stay at home moms. This schedule hits all the major spots that need tending to in order to keep your home running smoothly. I’ve based this schedule on a typical Saturday/Sunday weekend schedule, because that is the schedule my husband works. Feel free switch the days around as you see fit!
What Goes Into a Weekly Cleaning Schedule?
There are certain things that need to get cleaned every week to keep your house running smoothly, like the dishes or laundry. Maintaining a schedule for these tasks keeps your life simple and organized. By having a schedule for them, you don’t have to worry that they are getting overlooked.
So what should you clean every week? Here are my non-negotiables: laundry, vacuuming, emptying my robot vacuum, mopping, changing the sheets, emptying the trash, freshening bathrooms, and watering my plants. These are things that must get done every week for me to keep my sanity. My house feels much more orderly when I can check these eight things off my list.
There are a few more tasks on the weekly cleaning list, and I’ve split them into daily and biweekly tasks. Daily tasks include emptying the dishwasher (and reloading as needed), sweeping or running a robot vacuum, decluttering for 15 minutes, wiping down the kitchen counters, and cleaning the kitchen sink. I usually empty the dishes after breakfast, and I have our robot vacuum scheduled to clean during nap time. The other three chores are done after I put my son down for the night. This ritual signals putting the house to bed for me.
Biweekly tasks are: dusting, cleaning mirrors, and emptying and cleaning the fridge. These items don’t need to be done weekly because honestly, they don’t get that dirty in one week’s time. Cleaning these every other week helps keep things tidy without overwhelming my to do list.
What about All the Other Stuff That Needs Cleaning?
You may have noticed that I didn’t put cleaning windows, sorting your pantry, or cleaning toilets on this weekly cleaning list. That is because those more time intensive tasks fall into my whole house cleaning rotation. This is where I break down how to clean your house in sections without getting overwhelmed.
Now back to your weekly cleaning schedule! If you are ready to download this weekly cleaning schedule for stay at home moms, enter your email below!
So how do you schedule these cleaning tasks when your days are filled with running errands, raising babies and feeding a household? I am so glad you asked!
On average, I spend about an hour cleaning each day. This may sound like a lot, but remember, as a stay at home mom, I have my child with me at all times. I don’t shuffle him off to his bedroom while I work on laundry or clean the couch. So my cleaning takes a bit longer because I am actively entertaining and including my toddler in the tasks I am doing. You can check out my guide on maintaining a tidy home with a toddler soon.
That means I need to execute 2-3 tasks each day in order to get everything on my weekly cleaning schedule done. Below is a breakdown of what gets done each day:
I am SO excited to offer you this free printable! Here is the weekly cleaning schedule breakdown:
- Complete daily tasks
- Do one load of laundry
- House Rotation Cleaning
Monday is a busy day for me, as it is usually when I go grocery shopping. I keep my cleaning to a minimum, but get a jumpstart on the week by emptying the dishwasher and doing a load of laundry. PS: can we talk about this magical stain treater?! it works wonders on my son’s t shirt stains! If there is time after shopping and prepping our food for the week, I try to squeeze in some rotational cleaning based on whatever I have planned for that week. Stay tuned for my in depth post on Rotational Cleaning for more info!
- Complete daily tasks
- Empty robot vacuum
- Empty the Trash
- Mop
Tuesdays are where I get the yuck out. By that I mean emptying the vacuum into the trash, emptying the diaper pail, and emptying all the trash cans in the house. I do this on Tuesdays so that we can set out our bins the night before for the garbage truck that comes on Wednesdays. you may want to rearrange this part of your schedule to fit based on your trash days.
I also mop on Tuesdays because the other tasks don’t take very long, so I feel like I am accomplishing a lot.
- Complete daily tasks
- Do one load of laundry
- Freshen the bathrooms
- Change the sheets
- Vacuum
Wednesdays are my heavy cleaning days, and to be honest, I look forward to Wednesdays every week! Along with dishes and laundry, I change the sheets on all of the beds, vacuum the entire second floor, and freshen the bathrooms. this makes it feel like the entire upstairs of my house is brand new. I usually do two loads of laundry on Wednesdays, just to keep things running smoothly.
To freshen your bathroom, simply go in with some glass cleaner and surface cleaner and two cleaning rags. I clean the mirrors and shower door with glass cleaner and wipes down all of the surfaces with the surface cleaner. The counters, faucets, sinks, and the outside of the toilet get wiped down and dusted. I give the toilet a quick swipe with the brush; I don’t even bother with toilet cleaner as long as there are no visible marks in the bowl.
Towels go in the laundry with the bed sheets, and put new ones out to be used. And that is it! This keeps dust and spills from piling up between deep cleans. It make the bathrooms feel fresh and tidy with very little work from me. I keep all of my cleaning supplies in this cleaning caddy. This makes it so much easier to carry my cleaning supplies from room to room.
Wednesdays are usually when I choose to do the majority of my biweekly tasks as well.
- Complete daily tasks
- Water the plants
- House Rotation Cleaning
- Complete daily tasks
- Do one load of laundry
- House Rotation Cleaning
Thursdays and Fridays are pretty simple as far as weekly cleaning goes. I intentionally leave these days on the lighter side because it is more likely that we have an event or travel to see family on these two days. Rather than skipping my chores every time something comes up, I’ve loaded my week heavy on the front end. I can accomplish these tasks earlier in the week if need be. You can use these two days to complete any remaining Rotational Cleaning that you need to get done.
- Complete daily tasks
- Complete daily tasks
I don’t do any extra chores on the weekends because that is my time to spend with my family.
In this weekly cleaning schedule for stay at home moms, I’ve included space to write in any to-dos that aren’t on your usually weekly cleaning list that may come up. This comes in handy when I need to jot down a to do for something out of the ordinary, such as putting out holiday decorations. I have also included an area for notes! Here you can jot down reminders like appointments.
So what are you waiting for?! Grab your *totally FREE* weekly cleaning schedule for stay at home moms through the link below!

This weekly cleaning schedule is so helpful! I find writing things down is the best way to stay organized. AND, what’s better than crossing things off your “to do” list!!
I’m glad you like it Karen! Ya girl LOVES a checklist!
I live with two toddlers and just cleaning the kitchen is a daily thing! I run out of energy so I just do what I can in an hour and call it a day. I like that this is separated into chunks so that it’s not overwhelming.
I’m so glad you found it useful! Yes, the kitchen is DAILY!
This is so helpful! It makes it all so much easier to deal with! Thanks for this!
I am literally a student, reading and enjoying your content! Your blog is soo cute 💕
This is a great post! I remember when I was a stay-at-home mom, Fridays were my cleaning days.
Thanks for sharing, helpful tips to keeping things in order when you are busy with kids.
This is really helpful, it’s so hard to keep to a schedule when you have kids. I have four so it’s particularly difficult.
Thanks for the simple well cleaning schedule for stay at home moms. It’s heat do keep up!